PARKING AT USC IS CASHLESS: Guests can purchase short-term or all-day parking using their credit card, using either Text2Park on their mobile phone or by entering their vehicle license plate in a Pay-By-Plate kiosk located in the USC parking garages. USC parking garages closest to the ICCOPT conference are McCarthy Way and Royal Street located in blue on the map below. Parking is $4 an hour or $20 a day, plus a one time $0.50 Text2Park fee. Please note: you may never park in spaces in the USC parking garages marked "RESERVED." There is also metered parking available on the streets surrounding USC.  It is very limited and metered parking maximum paid time is 4 hours. The ICCOPT 2025  Plenary, semi-plenary, parallel speaker sessions and lunches will take place in: Taper Hall, Waite Phillips Hall, the Bovard Auditorium and Founders Park, circled in red in section E-4.5 on the map below.